giovedì 28 novembre 2013

Kitchen still lifes

There's a wonderful light in this period of the year coming throgh my kitchen window, and I tried to chatch it yesterday, taking a some pics. Here's what it came out:

Fruit basket 'Scirocco' by Alessi: a wedding gift I enjoy so much!

Hand embroidered burlap bag from Ortigia market I bought during our visit in Siracusa, Sicily.
I hung it in the kitchen as a bag holder 
Another wedding gift I enjoied a lot: ceramic cake stand (it has also the glass cover).
On the stand I like to display this awesome cake-candle that also smells good!

mercoledì 27 novembre 2013

Still-living room

I found this old pic shot more than 5 years ago and I share it as I love the soft light caming into the room. My living room changed drastically since then, toghether with my life. And I cannot be happier for the improvements my life and my living room got in the latest years...

mercoledì 20 novembre 2013

Artefiera 2013 - Padova

I'd like to share some pics I took at Artefiera, an art fair I attended with my family during last weekend.
It is a small exhibition in which you can find really interesting artworks, both made by famous artists and by new ones.
Here you are what chatched my eyes:

My son Matteo enjoyed this sculpture too!

Gianluca Chiodi

Maurizio Galimberti

Maurizio Bottoni

Paolo Staccioli

Kin Young Won

Alberto De Braud

Cesare Berlingeri

Raffaele Rossi

venerdì 15 novembre 2013

Flower, dew and ant

Today it's rainy and windy outside....I need pics with bright colors and sunshine!
This is a macro I shot in calabria, few years ago, hope you enjoy!


Last weekend we went to meet my housband's parents in Tuscany. We had lunch with firends in a small town called Scorgiano. It is the kind of place I use to name ''the middle of nowere''. Amazing food and charming Italian ''old style'' buildings and signs, like this one. 

mercoledì 13 novembre 2013

For the first time a tresaury of mine reached Etsy front page!!!

Thanks to all the beautiful items featured in this treasury: you made it to the front page!! Amazing!

lunedì 11 novembre 2013

Perfect packaging

I've been to Tokyo in 2007, and since then I'm waiting to travel there again.
I love the perfection that Japanese people try to reach in any detail. They also have an aesthetic sense that drives me creazy: simple, elegant, balanced and, at the end, eye catching.
Packaging in this picture is an exaple of what I mean.

venerdì 8 novembre 2013

Friday I'm in love!

I don't care if Monday's blue 
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too 
Thursday I don't care about you 
It's Friday I'm in love 

Monday you can fall apart 
Tuesday Wednesday break my heart 
Thursday doesn't even start 
It's Friday I'm in love 

Saturday wait 
And Sunday always comes too late 
But Friday never hesitate... 

I don't care if Mondays black 
Tuesday Wednesday heart attack 
Thursday never looking back 
It's Friday I'm in love 

Monday you can hold your head 
Tuesday Wednesday stay in bed 
Or Thursday watch the walls instead 
It's Friday I'm in love 

Saturday wait 
And Sunday always comes too late 
But Friday never hesitate... 

Dressed up to the eyes 
It's a wonderful surprise 
To see your shoes and your spirits rise 
Throwing out your frown 
And just smiling at the sound 
And as sleek as a shriek 
Spinning round and round 
Always take a big bite 
It's such a gorgeous sight 
To see you eat in the middle of the night 
You can never get enough 
Enough of this stuff 
It's Friday 
I'm in love

giovedì 7 novembre 2013

Amazing Villa

This is Villa Foscarini-Rossi on Riviera del Brenta, close to Venice...such a charming pace!

mercoledì 6 novembre 2013

Chicago, my kind of town

I've been there twice, and I wish to be back soon and often... what a charming place!
Windy city I miss you so much!